Food safety is part of everything done at Caito Foods. All of their facilities are Safe Quality Foods (SQF) or BRC certified.* Caito Foods understands food safety is critical to its customers' success, and as a result, to its own success.
The SQF system includes risk management and preventative systems including a food safety Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) plan. The HACCP system is a management system focused on prevention of problems in order to assure that food production and storage of food products are safe to consume. It is based on a common-sense application of technical and scientific principles to the food production process from production/harvest to consumption. The principles of HACCP are applicable to all phases of food production, including basic agriculture, food preparation and handling, food processing, distribution, food service, retail, and consumer handling and use.
The entire Caito Foods team works together daily to ensure all food safety policies are consistently followed. Emphasis on food safety is woven throughout the process of growing, transporting, handling, storing and repacking, and delivery to store shelves for customers to purchase with confidence.
* A globally recognized certification based on verification and validation of procedures, systems and processes.